I know I'm bad at this. Nothing is happening or I would've updated. Promise. I am getting my engagements done on Friday! I'm excited. After that's done, we can finally get our announcements done then I can send those out. Then it's like this wedding thing is really happening. Yes! So Lindsey is doing the pictures and Chan is coming, it's gonna be so fun. Oh if anyone is reading this, you should check out her photo blog. http://aandlphoto.blogspot.com/ I think she's awesome. She'll be doing my bridals too.
Speaking of bridals, I have my next fitting on Monday! Maybe it'll be done :) That'd be cool. Oh and I'm going home in a couple weeks! I'll be home in 2 weeks from today! I'm so excited to go home. Mom and I will finish up our wedding planning and make sure everything is in order. Happy Day. Now all I need to do is find a place to live. Cody and I are working on it, but it sure is frustrating. Oh well, thus is life. We'll figure it out.
I'm trying to exercise more too, you know- lose weight for the big day. It doesn't seem to matter how I eat or how much I exercise, nothing happens. Any suggestions?? It's super irritating. Wish I was a guy sometimes, it seems easier for them. But I am glad I'm a girl, I prefer to look like me naked than a guy. Not mean, just honest :) The end, til next time.
January Happenings
5 years ago